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HomeTipsWoodside Credit Loans Are Geared Toward Keeping Strong Cash Flow

Woodside Credit Loans Are Geared Toward Keeping Strong Cash Flow

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With more lending options than ever, it makes sense to look for special financing options built around what’s purchased. That’s a big reason why Woodside Credit has found its niche as a lending solution for classic and exotic car enthusiasts.

Buying a classic or exotic vehicle typically requires tying up a lot of cash to make it work, regardless if you purchase online or in person. Instead of having money tied up in vehicles, Woodside Credit provides financing for their clients to fund quickly. Making the process simple, loans are easy to execute and move forward.

What to Expect During the Loan Process

Woodside Credit works to make everything as simple as possible for its clients. It’s a three-step process to receive funds to complete a purchase. Getting an exotic or classic car financed doesn’t have to be complicated.


Interested people can get a quick quote from Woodside Credit without any obligation or credit check. What this does is provide an estimate of what low monthly payment is possible. Individuals get to start conversations with loan professionals to help determine the right borrowing decision before getting into specifics. Credit is not reviewed, and no credit check is required. Approval is not guaranteed.


The application for a loan through Woodside Credit can be done online or over the phone for added convenience. People will get a decision in one business day or less. Once the application process starts, the underwriter will look for opportunities to extend credit as much as possible. The goal is to allow for borrowing opportunities so people can feel confident about their cash flow using low monthly payments.


After the application process wraps up, all loan documents get sent over to individuals to look them over.

Funds become ready to use towards the purchase of a vehicle, frequently the same day. This makes the classic car finance process easy when purchasing a vehicle after already being approved for funding.

The Biggest Selling Points for Woodside Credit

Woodside Credit has a few major selling points that help differentiate them from other competitors. Being able to outshine other lenders brings in more and more clients.

Purchasing Freedom

The Woodside Credit lending program works anywhere a person shops. Some people prefer going to showrooms, while others want to do private deals with a friend or local seller. There’s also the ability to receive financing for a winning vehicle at a Barrett-Jackson auction.

Not being locked into one particular buying method helps people find the right vehicle for them. Too many lenders make it harder for applicants to take out a loan if they aren’t buying through a partnered seller.

Lending Options for New and Used

A lot of lending companies don’t offer the same financing for new and used vehicles. It can be very limiting when attempting to purchase a vehicle and being surprised by different terms. The loan program through Woodside Credit doesn’t change because of the age of the vehicle.

Low Payments

The most convincing way to get people interested in taking out a loan is to offer low payments. Woodside Credit can offer flexible terms and competitive rates that are extremely difficult to match. A big reason why comes down to their long terms.

If a person wants to pay off a loan faster, there are no prepayment penalties. Woodside Credit loans are easy to handle and perfect for those looking for minimizing impacts to their cash flow.

Loan Options at Barrett-Jackson Auctions

Loan options at barrett-jackson auctions woodside credit loans

Working directly with Barrett-Jackson auctions means that there is an option to apply for a loan from Woodside Credit at any time for bidders. Applicants can go online or take care of business over the phone beforehand if they want. There’s also an in-person lending team ready to work with anyone hoping to finance a winning bid during the auction.

Pre-approval is possible, and Woodside Credit will work with individuals to determine a pre-approval amount. It helps keep people on track and ready to make a well thought out bid instead of bidding more than planned and having to find a solution later.

Since it’s a pre-approval, loan documents are not completed until there is a winning bid and purchase. It can be done at the auction booth or by signing loan docs electronically.

Getting a chance to meet with the team in person gives bidders that extra bit of confidence. With a loaded slate of four total auctions scheduled for 2023, plenty of bidders will take advantage of what Woodside Credit offers.

Is Taking Out a Loan For a Vehicle Worth It?

Not everyone’s initially crazy about getting a loan for a classic or exotic vehicle. However, Woodside Credit has worked with many clients who see the benefits of minimizing impacts to cash flow and spreading out payment.

Depending on how often you buy, where you already have your capital working for you, can help give insight if a woodside loan is a good fit. Quality financing makes the process of obtaining a classic or exotic car loan as smooth as possible.

It always helps to have a reliable option to turn to, whether it is for one big purchase or multiple purchases. Woodside Credit strives to be the go-to option, so buyers get what they want. Before signing up for a loan, looking at everything Woodside Credit offers gives car enthusiasts a chance to make getting their dream car a breeze.

Sameer is a writer, entrepreneur and investor. He is passionate about inspiring entrepreneurs and women in business, telling great startup stories, providing readers with actionable insights on startup fundraising, startup marketing and startup non-obviousnesses and generally ranting on things that he thinks should be ranting about all while hoping to impress upon them to bet on themselves (as entrepreneurs) and bet on others (as investors or potential board members or executives or managers) who are really betting on themselves but need the motivation of someone else’s endorsement to get there.

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