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HomeleadershipWhat Are The Roles And Functions Of Personnel Management?

What Are The Roles And Functions Of Personnel Management?

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Personnel management mainly deals with managing people in offices and other places. It undertakes all activities that relate to human relationships and helps build them effectively. Personnel management’s role is to assist top management in various ways. This will help an organization reach the next level with high success rates.

Understanding more about the role of personnel management

The primary objective of personnel management is to enhance relations between management and workers. On the other hand, it involves certain functions and organizations should know more about them in detail.

Management experts classify the functions of personnel management under two categories. They include managerial functions and operative functions.  Each of them has certain tasks that allow companies to focus more on their goals to a great extent.

What are the managerial functions?

Functions of personnel management

These functions involve the following tasks:.

1. Planning

Planning is the most important activity associated with managerial functions that involve certain jobs. Some of them include manpower planning, research, forecasting, training procedures, etc.

2. Directing

Directing is the basic function of managerial personnel, who tell employees to perform a particular task with high efficiency. It also includes issuing instructions to employees to achieve targeted goals in an organization. Besides, it develops a network in a company for communication purposes and interprets various industrial laws.

3. Controlling

Controlling it is the next important thing associated with managerial function. It involves performance job appraisal, checking, evaluating, and verifying as per the standards.

4. Organizing

Organizing involves allocating tasks among employees in a company to achieve objectives properly. A company focuses on implementing policies, several plans, and programs that will benefit the management. Setting up a good organizational structure is the primary responsibility of personnel management, which results in good results.

5. Co-ordinating

Coordination is an important function in personnel management because it contributes more to achieving goals effectively. An organization should consider implementing coordinated approaches for motivating employees. A personnel department will develop policies, plans, tasks, and other things that benefit employees.

Operative functions

The operative functions involve a wide range of tasks and organizations should know about them with attention.

1. Procurement personnel

The procurement function in personnel management deals with manpower requirements such as selection, placement, induction, follow-up, etc. Apart from that, it aims at recruiting employees who have great skills. This will help a lot in experiencing satisfactory results while performing important tasks.

2. Development

The development function involves three important areas: training, executive development, and career planning and development. It even aims at increasing the skills of employees through different approaches. Sometimes, development allows employees to carry out various tasks to enhance their experience.

3. Compensation

The compensation function means determining adequate and equitable wages for employees working in an organization. There are various factors that determine the best compensation for an employee. In most cases, a company will fix wages based on the nature of the job and other things.

4. Integration

The integration function involves infusing among employees by creating awareness about a sense of feeling. It even aims at bringing harmony between employees and the organization by resolving complex issues. Therefore, organizations should consider setting up communication channels at all levels.

5. Maintenance

The maintenance function involves various things, such as employee welfare, health and safety, and social security measures. It also focuses on creating a better working environment for employees. If working conditions deteriorate in the workplace, then employees will leave the organization as soon as possible. It is wise for a company to understand the role of personnel management while implementing important tasks. This, in turn, paves ways to plan day-to-day operations accordingly to overcome unwanted issues.

Sameer is a writer, entrepreneur and investor. He is passionate about inspiring entrepreneurs and women in business, telling great startup stories, providing readers with actionable insights on startup fundraising, startup marketing and startup non-obviousnesses and generally ranting on things that he thinks should be ranting about all while hoping to impress upon them to bet on themselves (as entrepreneurs) and bet on others (as investors or potential board members or executives or managers) who are really betting on themselves but need the motivation of someone else’s endorsement to get there.

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