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HomeEntertainmentThese Are The Best Horror Movies On Netflix Right Now

These Are The Best Horror Movies On Netflix Right Now

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Netflix is packed with movies and shows covering every genre. Horror is one of the main categories for movies and there are hundreds of horror films available on the streaming service. However, as with many of the categories on Netflix, it is easy to become overwhelmed when trying to choose a horror movie to watch. Thankfully, we have got you covered as we bring you the best horror movies on Netflix right now.


Jaws was first released in the United States in 1975 and was one of the first major movies to be filmed on the ocean. The movie is based around a great white shark that terrorizes people in the water. The shark is not seen on screen for some time and the presence of the shark is suggested by the theme music, created by composer John Williams. The suspense is fantastic, and Jaws won many awards, including three Oscars for Best Film Editing, Best Original Dramatic Score, and Best Sound.

Jaws may not be a typical horror movie, but it is one of the best in terms of building suspense and terror.

Army of the Dead

Best horror movies on netflix army of the dead

From a vintage classic to a modern movie released in 2021 we come to Army of the Dead. Directed by legendary horror movie director Zack Snyder, Army of the Dead follows a gang of mercenaries, who despite the fact there is a zombie apocalypse taking place, decide to plan a heist on a Las Vegas casino.

The movie has a good blend of horror and humour, and at the 2022 Oscars ceremony, Army of the Dead won the “Oscars Fan Favourite” contest. Such is the popularity of Army of the Dead, a sequel that is already in production but if you cannot wait for the next casino heist-based horror film, why not try playing some of the horror-themed slots at this NZ online casino?


Originally released by Netflix following a premiere at the Fantasia International Film Festival in July 2018, Cam follows Alice Ackerman who works as a webcam girl from her home. She is aiming to become the number one ranked camgirl but, in a creepy turn of events, Alice is blocked from her account, and it has been taken over by someone else. Alice is still streaming content from her home studio, but it is not her who is producing the content. Alice sets out to find who is behind the fake footage and it leads to the discovery of death and doppelgängers.


The ‘found footage’ genre may be over saturated but Creep is one of the best horror movies on Netflix right now. A videographer, Aaron, travels to a cabin to film a video for a man, Josef, who is dying of a brain tumor. Josef says he wants to record the video for his child, who is yet to be born, but Aaron becomes increasingly disturbed by his behavior and flees the cabin. Josef continues to stalk Aaron and it leads to grizzly consequences. The sequel, Creep 2, is also available on Netflix right now.

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