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HomeTipsHow Your Fencing Company Can Appeal to Dog Owners

How Your Fencing Company Can Appeal to Dog Owners

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When people think of an American pet, dogs often come to mind. It makes sense since they are the most popular pets in the country, with 65.1 million households having them. A lot of dog owners have homes with yards, which could be great for your fencing company. Here’s how you can convince them to have your workers install them!

Highlight the Security Factor

Dogs love to roam around. That’s both a good and bad thing since they need to have boundaries. A yard that doesn’t have a fence means that the dog won’t know where their home ends and the outside world begins. A fence will keep them in, which means that they will be safe from possibly running into the path of a car.

Also, you can point out that a fence can act as a second layer of security for you. If a would-be burglar sees both a fence and a dog in the yard —it helps if the dog is large — then they will choose another place to target. You can feel safer at home with the fence.

Incorporate the Training Factor

People usually begin their journey as dog owners by getting a puppy. This means that they are going to need more time outside since puppies have a lot less endurance compared to their adult versions, and will need to go out every two to four hours to relieve themselves. A fenced yard would be perfect for them to be able to let the puppy out and have them go to the bathroom, which will train them to tend to their business immediately.

They would also be able to bring the dog out to the fenced area to train them to do other things, including protecting the house. The dog will have defined boundaries that they know to keep watch over. An open space might confuse them.

Highlight the Privacy Factor

Fencing company highlight the privacy factor

This one depends on what kind of fence the homeowner chooses to purchase. They might want people passing by to know they have a dog, but a fence made of solid material can add a layer of mystery. Again, if you were someone who had bad intentions, would you want to climb a fence without knowing the breed of dog you’d encounter? You could meet a chihuahua, or you could meet a rottweiler.

You could also show the homeowner that they will be able to just relax and have fun playing with their dog without worrying about neighbors watching. The fence will add that level of privacy for them, which is something they will appreciate.

Encourage the Overall Value

There are a lot of people out there who own dogs and are looking for a new place to live. They might be willing to pay more for a house that already has a fence since they won’t have to worry about paying to have a new one installed. That way, the original homeowner can get a return on their investment.

Finally, there’s just the overall value of being able to have a fenced area where a dog can get fresh air when they want without the owner having to have it on a leash. That will free up the owner to just sit on the porch and watch the dog have fun. That’s beneficial to both.

If you do it properly, you’ll be able to get a lot of business from these dog owners, which will help you stand out from the 319,000 fence construction businesses in the country. Then you’ll be able to drive around town and hear the happy barking of these dogs as they frolic around their yard. That will mean a job well done.

Sameer is a writer, entrepreneur and investor. He is passionate about inspiring entrepreneurs and women in business, telling great startup stories, providing readers with actionable insights on startup fundraising, startup marketing and startup non-obviousnesses and generally ranting on things that he thinks should be ranting about all while hoping to impress upon them to bet on themselves (as entrepreneurs) and bet on others (as investors or potential board members or executives or managers) who are really betting on themselves but need the motivation of someone else’s endorsement to get there.

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