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HomeTipsHow To Fix A dll Error Code? Everything About dll Error Messages

How To Fix A dll Error Code? Everything About dll Error Messages

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One of the most frightening instances is when a system suddenly pops up an error message, especially if the user is not familiar with the intricacies of software and code. Error codes and messages usually tend to work people up because they cannot gauge the severity nor find the resolution. While there is a dedicated IT team in corporations and offices to help fix these problems, individuals don’t have that luxury. But usually, DLL errors are not that serious. If anyone finds themselves facing a DLL error dialogue box like msvcp140.dll missing error, they can try googling “msvcp140.dll download” and download the file. The best solution is to familiarise oneself with DLL errors troubleshooting, enabling them to deal with these situations effortlessly.


A DLL file is an essential component for several programs that ensures their proper function. DLL is the acronym for Dynamic Link Library and is the usual extension for such files. The name is a fitting description of its contents, as a DLL file is a compilation of codes necessary for essential functions across programs. For example, a dialogue box is a standard requirement for almost all programs. Therefore, instead of each program having its code to display the dialogue box, every program uses the support of the already existing dialogue box DLL file.

The existence of DLL files makes for very efficient programming. The DLL files themselves require minimal space (a few 100kb depending on the function), ensuring that programs don’t need unnecessarily complex code. While this does make system functions more efficient, it also becomes a vital necessity for a system’s function. This vitality means any problem with a DLL file could completely stop a program from functioning.


Avoiding dll errors

While DLL errors can lead to several program malfunctions, they are quite effortless to avoid. People aware of the reasons that could trigger possible DLL error messages can ensure they never occur.

Inefficient Program Start-up

One of the primary causes for DLL error messages is improper program start-ups. Programs read all related code before opening the program or application for use. This action helps update the program, open the latest version, and ensure all components are in working condition. It is usually in this phase that people face a DLL error message because the program did not have the necessary system resources to read all the relevant code files.

Inefficient Download

People downloading programs from unverified websites and other sources are likely to face a DLL error message. Additionally, downloading applications from online sources requires steady internet connections, leading to incomplete downloads. Programs installed without DLL files are likely to crash.


Several free and paid antivirus programs exist today, making virus and other malware a rarity. But there are several avenues through which malware could enter systems and system networks. Depending on the type of malware, they could completely wreak havoc by deleting files, altering files and illegally obtaining information stored on the device. Malware can also erase necessary DLL files that support the integrity of the system itself, causing the system to crash.


In most cases, the primary cause for a DLL error message like DLL error, DLL missing, DLL not located, etc., is because the DLL file is missing. In such cases, the only resolution is to download these DLL files. Several trustworthy websites have various necessary DLL files like msvcp140.dll to download. Downloading the correct DLL file meant for each system is essential for a permanent fix.

Author Bio: Ester Adams is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry.  She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.

Sameer is a writer, entrepreneur and investor. He is passionate about inspiring entrepreneurs and women in business, telling great startup stories, providing readers with actionable insights on startup fundraising, startup marketing and startup non-obviousnesses and generally ranting on things that he thinks should be ranting about all while hoping to impress upon them to bet on themselves (as entrepreneurs) and bet on others (as investors or potential board members or executives or managers) who are really betting on themselves but need the motivation of someone else’s endorsement to get there.

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