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HomeResourceChoosing ServiceNow Partner: 5 Tips To Pick The Best One

Choosing ServiceNow Partner: 5 Tips To Pick The Best One

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As one of the best comprehensive IT solutions and Information Technology Service Management (ITSM), ServiceNow partner has enabled many corporations to develop an IT service that fits the users’ needs perfectly with ease. The flexibility and usability of the platform are also top-notch in allowing a non-IT person to use it without much trouble.

However, without any help from an expert, it can be challenging to utilize ServiceNow to its fullest potential. Even though throughout the implementation process, the company will provide its users with training and modules, it will still be problematic to develop it further to fit your whole company’s IT necessities.

 The hassle of going through a long process before being able to implement ServiceNow to serve the company’s IT needs directly is exactly the thing that a ServiceNow-certified partner is helping to solve.

What Is A ServiceNow Partner?

According to its official website, a ServiceNow certified partner is a vendor that is registered in a ServiceNow Partner Program and meets a strict set of qualifications that ServiceNow frequently releases. The potential partner will go through a screening process to determine whether their experience and expertise in using the platform can be deemed worthy to be a partner.

This screening process will be judged by a few criteria such as:

  • Product implementation expertise (e.g., Performance Analytics, HR Service Delivery, Customer Service Management, ITSM, etc.)
  • Number of certified professionals (by-product) and authorized trainers
  • Customer satisfaction rating
  • Customer success stories
  • Country and regional coverage

Furthermore, this screening process will also determine the level of certification the potential partner gets from ServiceNow. Therefore, every ServiceNow partner will bring different values and sets of skills that you have to assess to match your company’s needs.

How To Choose A ServiceNow Partner

So, how exactly can you choose a ServiceNow partner that can best fit your company’s needs? Here are the five most important questions you need to answer.

1. What Do You Need?

The first couple of steps of picking the best ServiceNow partner for your company isn’t exactly about the partner, rather it should start with yours. You need to know what exactly you need from the implementation of ServiceNow for your company, what is your goal, what kind of IT process you want to aid through ServiceNow implementation, and many more.

By knowing these, you will have an easier time discussing and choosing the potential partner because you can fit your needs with their expertise and experience. It’s important because every company has a different ServiceNow implementation experience. Instead of choosing one that has the highest rating but never engages in the implementation you need, it’s better to choose one that has gone through the same process that you need.

2. What  Is Your Budget?

The second thing you need to consider on your behalf is your budget. It’s obvious that the more experienced the ServiceNow partner, the higher the price will be. Hence, you also need to start the process of choosing a ServiceNow partner by managing your budget.

This can be done by considering how much of the ServiceNow implementation will ease up the IT process in your company, how much the impact throughout the business process, and whether it will be worth the price or not; Since the IT process is never directly correlated with a revenue stream. 

Now that you’re done with your preparation to find the perfect ServiceNow partner for your company, it’s time to start finding one that can best fit your company’s needs. First of all, you need to find the list of ServiceNow partners in the partner lists, and we can start screening them using the next three questions.

3. What Are Their Certifications And Accreditation?

The first thing you want to look at when choosing a partner is their certifications. There are a lot of certifications that a ServiceNow partner can hold to increase the trust of their clients (that’s you). However, it could be difficult to assess your potential ServiceNow partner solely on certification because some of them hold the same ones.

If so, you can then start digging deeper into the company to gain insight into its accreditation and values. What kind of accreditation and expertise does each of their expert employees have? What other additional expertise on ServiceNow do their employees have? And so on. 

Best comprehensive it solutions and information technology service management

4. What  Is Their Experience?

Then, after assessing the on-paper qualification, it’s finally time to match their experience with your needs. Although your potential ServiceNow partner already has a certification on the implementation that you need, there’s no telling whether they could solve unprecedented problems when they start to do the implementation.

That’s why there’s nothing that can beat an actual implementation experience. It could also ensure you that they will know the exact configurations, customizations, integrations, and requirements of the implementation your company needs.

5. How Is Their On-Going Support?

Last but not least, ServiceNow implementation isn’t just a one-time application that can be left after it’s set up. Throughout your business process, it might need adjustments, developments, additions, and much more adaptation to best serve the needs of the business process.

This is why it’s important to check on the ongoing support of your potential ServiceNow partner. Or whether they even have one or not. 

Find Your Best ServiceNow Partner Here!

Nevertheless,  it’s still a challenge to find the perfect ServiceNow partner for your company when you have never done this before. Hence, instead of running around the bush without knowing anything, CTG can be the exact solution that you need.

CTG is a certified ServiceNow partner and has worked with clients in North America and Western Europe to help solve their most critical information, technology, and business challenges. It’s been years since CTG utilized ServiceNow and became one of the official ServiceNow Consulting partners; Hence, we assure you that whatever your ServiceNow implementation needs are, CTG will be there to answer them.

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