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HomeTipsTips For Office Relocation

Tips For Office Relocation

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Every move, even though the basics are the same, tend to be different. As such, you and your team need to decide what tasks to include in your office move. The primary goal is to ensure that you cover all details with a set timeline and budget. That being said, here are some tips to keep in mind if you want a successful office relocation.

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Are you going to use office relocation service providers? This is one of the first things to address before you start working on the plan. If you decide to use a full-service mover, like movecentral.com the company should handle, most if not every aspect of the relocation. This saves you and your team members valuable time and effort. When picking a company, ensure they provide a detailed plan and assist in managing the relocation.

Before signing a contract, ensure the movers you hire are properly insured and ask them to send a copy for verification. The last thing you want is to lose money due to the incompetence of a moving company.

No matter what, the moving plan should include the steps that your company will take to pick the best mover. The relocation plant should include a process that interviews and picks an office moving company with the resources, experience, and manpower to conduct an efficient move.

Office moving tips

Determine the needed space in the new location. If possible, plan for future growth. Also, inform every member of your team of the upcoming relocation as soon as possible. If you’re making a long-distance move, you’ll want to go through the relocation packages. Ensure everyone is updated on any changes and advancements through emails, notices as well as announcements during company meetings.

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Pick a new location and negotiate a lease. You’ll want to decide on the length and type of the lease that meets your company’s needs.

Consider working with an office space planner on design as well as build-out. Ensure you know the dimensions of the new location as this information, you will be able to map out the office and desk space and reduce stress.

Collaborate with the IT team when it comes to planning the new location’s infrastructure. This is a topic that deserves its own post, so keep posted.

An office move presents an excellent time to update your furnishings and equipment as well as get rid of things you no longer need. You’ll also want to decide how to dispose of the junk after doing an inventory of things that need to be kept and those that need to go.

Notify partners, customers and suppliers about the upcoming move. Leverage this opportunity to talk to your current, potential and past customers several times during the moving process. If you are moving due to growth, proudly announce this to your clients and partners. You should also announce the completion of the process and update your new business’ location information including the address.

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