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HomeMarketing8 Interesting Ways Video Can Make Your Content Marketing Strategy More Effective

8 Interesting Ways Video Can Make Your Content Marketing Strategy More Effective

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If you own an online business, then you should be aware of adopting different types of marketing strategies. One such Website Strategy will be using a video content marketing strategy. But although a challenging task, it can be beneficial. The fact is that the number of people watching videos has increased significantly. Videos are indeed a powerful advertising strategy. But their incorporation takes money and time.

Ways to Produce Video Content to Complement Content Marketing Strategy

1. Improvement in user engagement numbers:

Videos entertain viewers a lot and ensure they stay until the end. Approximately 55% of people tend to watch online videos every day. Hence, the initial five seconds of the video are quite crucial. It should be engaging so that the viewers watch it till the end. Otherwise, viewers will leave it for another one.

2. Higher SEO ranking:

Videos are reported to garner 53 times more organic page rankings than mere plain text in Google! This search engine promotes interesting videos. You need to include your corporate videos in your registered YouTube channel. Then come up with a relevant meta description to derive those additional SEO points.

Content marketing strategy seo ranking

3. Human Connection:

Videos are the best way to connect with people. As viewers get to see people talking, understand the passion for the brand, and know the service or products, there develops human connection. It is what sets apart video marketing from other marketing forms. When done properly and correctly, it also helps generate Brand Awareness, something desired to achieve success.

4. Higher conversions:

Your videos should have a call to action. It is required as it helps your viewers to take necessary actions that could go in the favor of your business. Generally, consumers after watching videos of products/services tend to get close to the brand. It also enhances their trust level and brand credibility. Evoking emotions can help increase conversion. This is something that videos can help achieve and improve customer loyalty.

5. Covers each stage throughout the buyer’s journey:

A buyer’s journey can be termed to be a process where the buyer is led up to the final purchase. Throughout the journey, videos should be used to push buyers through this process. Every week, 78% of people tend to watch videos online. Hence, video when used during the buying process can help convey the desired message. It is indeed an effective Website Strategy.

6. Accessibility to Consume:

Surveys conducted have revealed that people prefer to spend quality time on content using mobile devices rather than laptops and desktops. Mobile devices allow people to enjoy their choice of content even while traveling. Since the consumption platform seems to have changed, you need to adopt this modern technology into your marketing strategy. Only then can you derive enhanced customer loyalty.

7. Increased understanding:

Content marketing strategy

A video of about a minute is said to be equal to that of 1.8 million words. This is powerful. It also allows for transferring lots of feelings and emotions directly to viewers. Supporting visuals and graphics should be included to elevate even further viewers’ understanding.

8. Develop Creditability and Trust using videos:

Developing emotional connections helps build credibility and trust. This, in turn, supports increased engagement. Using videos ensures your website is viewed for a longer time. According to reports, viewing time is 88% longer on average. This allows consumers to spend quality time getting to know your company. It also leads to Brand Awareness.

The Future of Video Marketing

People of all ages enjoy videos. It is easily understood without much effort or stress. Hence, it makes an excellent content marketing strategy for small businesses. Corporate videos can help engage prospective customers and increase sales when done properly.

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